Honey is the sugary substance produced from the nectar of flower by the worker bees. It is the oldest sweet food known to man. The colour of honey varies from almost colour less to nearly black according to its botanical source and to conditions of processing and storage it has undergone. The main constituents of honey are moisture, glucose, fructose, maltose, sucrose, minerals, protein and enzymes.
Enzymes present cause change in the proportions of the original sugars present and the sucrose may diappear completely on storage.
High fructose glucose in approximately the same ratio as in honey may find use in honey adulteration. Therefore honey analysis laboratories have a vital role in determining the purity and quality of honey
Who should attend?
Technicians, Chemists, Supervisors and Laboratory Managers interested in oils and honey analysis.
Course Duration
5 days
Topics covered
The specialized course focus on the full analysis of honey.
Practical Work
The practical part of this course will include the following tests: