Soils vary greatly throughout the world, they have inherent weakness, primarily deficiency in nutrients essential to growing crops. Even whe adequately supplied in the early stages of land cultivation, the nutrient supplying capacity invariably diminishes with time. Most soils are deficient in nitrogen, it is transient in nature and plants need a lot of it. In many cases, phosphorus (p) is just as critical, soil chemical reactions reduce the effectiveness of phosphorus fertilizers.
As no essential element will substitute for another, It is critically important to identify where and when such Deficiencies occur. That is where the role of oil and plant analysis comes in.Techniques have been developed to evaluate soil fertility constraints based on soil chemical extraction and analysis of the plants that grow on such soils. Both are compleimentary and when calibrated with field crop response to fertilizer, provide a rational basis to identify what elements are missing and how much fertilizer to apply.
Therefore, soil and plant analysis laboratories have a vital role in agricultural development. However, the process does not end there. TO be meaningful and valid, tests have to be appropriate for the purpose intended and reliable and repeatable.
Who should attend?
Technicians, Chemists,Supervisors and Laboratory Managers interested in soil analysis
Course Duration
8 days
Topics covered
This course covers theoretical and practical aspects of soil analysis
Practical Work
The practical part of this course will include the following tests: